

Balance is an essential feature of thriving, resilient living things and of our world. So too for thriving resilient communities. Here in Utah, we have lost some of that necessary balance and I want to help us find it again. As a scientist, I live in a culture of wide and open sharing of information and ideas, and one of healthy debate. As a legislator, I will bring that culture to the making of public policy in Utah, with a focus on strong, resilient communities in Cache and Rich counties and all of Utah. 


Strong, healthy communities, where people can thrive, depend on healthy lands and healthy relationships among people. 

Cache and Rich counties are blessed with beautiful lands, waters, and skies. We rely on these for our livelihoods, health, recreation, and overall well-being. We must act to keep clean and sufficient waters, to have cleaner air, and to accommodate changes in the ways we live and work and in our environment. We must act to meet the major challenge of global warming, including the changes that rising temperatures already have brought and that threaten our future.

I have life-long experience of rural and developing places. I grew up in them, and I and my family continue to live and work primarily in them. I value public lands, agricultural and other working landscapes, and healthy neighborhoods and communities. As a scientist, I am part of the professional community that helps discover options to manage and sustain our lands, waters, and vibrant landscapes. I also am one of the many who work to anticipate, reduce, and adapt as the environment around us changes. I will work to preserve a healthy landscape that supports the lives and livelihoods of Cache and Rich counties and all Utahns. 


Good governance comes through work, together. I am running for the Utah Senate to bring a wide range of ideas and a broad voice for people from Cache and Rich counties. I will listen to you, learn from you, and work hard to represent the breadth of perspectives of Utah Senate District 2. As a scientist and educator, I work within professional communities that foster creative solutions and help put them into action. As a legislator, I will work with you to find innovative solutions for Cache and Rich counties and for Utah.                   

I am committed to listening to you, learning from you, representing the issues and priorities you care about, and collaborating to form thoughtful policy that is, to quote Representative (and candidate for Utah Governor) Brian S King’s phrase, “for the better”.